Lancashire and South Cumbria
4 Central nervous system
04-07-02 Opioid analgesics

Buprenorphine sublingual

Sublingual tablets 200micrograms

See section 4.10 for products used in opioid dependence.

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Buprenorphine Transdermal

Only for use in patients who are unable to take or tolerate oral medicine (including soluble tablets and liquids) OR where use of the low-dose buprenorphine patches may prevent administration problems for frail, elderly patients in the community.

Do not confuse the formulations of transdermal patches which are available in various strengths as 7-day, 4-day and 3-day patches; 3 day patches are not recommended to avoid confusion in dosing.
Always prescribe by brand name.
7 day transdermal patches: 5 microgram / hour, 10 microgram / hour, 15 microgram/hour, 20 microgram / hour (In primary care please prescribe as Sevodyne®, Butec® or Bunov®)
4 day transdermal patches are much stronger: 35 microgram/hour, 52.5 microgram/hour, 70 microgram/hour (In primary care please prescribe as Bupeaze®, Relevtec® or Carlosafine®)

Controlled Drug  Green Restricted View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Codeine Phosphate

Tablets 15mg, 30mg
Injection 60mg/1mL
Syrup 25mg/5mL
Linctus, BP 15mg/5mL

Link  MHRA: Codeine for analgesia: restricted use in children because of reports of morphine toxicity
Link  MHRA: Codeine for cough and cold: restricted use in children

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF

Injection 5mg, 10mg, 30mg, 100mg, 500mg

**under review**

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF

Tablets 30mg

For short term use only.

Green Restricted in MBHT For use only in patients who are breastfeeding or after initiation by the pain team.  For short term use only.

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Fentanyl patches
Matrix patches 12, 25, 50, 75, 100micrograms/hour for 72hours
Only for use in patients who are unable to take or tolerate oral medication (including soluble tablets and liquid).
Fentanyl matrix patches should be prescribed by brand name to minimise the risk of reservoir patches being accidentally supplied.
A selection of cost effective brands are recommended when initiating or reviewing prescribing in primary care (Recommended brands include Opiodur, Mezolar and Matrifen).
Link  MHRA: Transdermal fentanyl patches for non-cancer pain: do not use in opioid-naive patients
Link  MHRA: Transdermal fentanyl patches: life-threatening and fatal opioid toxicity from accidental exposure, particularly in children

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Meptazinol Meptid

Tablets 200mg
Injection 100mg/1mL

MBHT use only: For those women who may need pain relief whilst they await transfer to either RLI or FGH.

Red View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Modified-release tablets
Modified-release capsules
Immediate-release tablets
Oral solution
Orodispersible tablets

Do not confuse modified-release 12-hourly preparations with 24-hourly preparations.

Modified-release tablets and capsules should be prescribed by brand.

Care should be taken to ensure that the correct strength of oral solution is prescribed and dispensed, and the dose stated as both quantity and volume.

Link  HSIB: Unintentional overdose of morphine sulfate oral solution

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Oxycodone oral

Modified-release tablets
Immediate-release tablets
Immediate-release capsules
Oral solution

Refer to Trust guidance and protocols for specific prescribing information.

Do not confuse modified-release 12-hourly preparations with 24-hourly preparations.
Modified-release tablets and capsules should be prescribed by brand.

A selection of preferred cost effective brands are recommended when initiating or reviewing prescribing in primary care. (oxylan, oxeltra, oxypro).

Controlled Drug  Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Pethidine hydrochloride

Injection 50mg/mL, 100mg/2mL

Controlled Drug  Red View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Tramadol (oral)

Capsules 50mg
Dispersible tablets 50mg
Modified-release tablets 100mg, 200mg

Do not confuse modified-release 12-hourly preparations with 24-hourly preparations, prescribers and dispensers must ensure that the correct formulation is prescribed and dispensed.

Modified-release formulations should be prescribed by brand.

Link  MHRA: Warfarin: be alert to the risk of drug interactions with tramadol

Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Tramadol injection

Injection 100mg/2mL

Link  MHRA: Warfarin: be alert to the risk of drug interactions with tramadol

Controlled Drug  Red View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Tapentadol modified release

M/R tablets 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg, 250mg

Chronic severe pain in adults.

Link  MHRA: Tapentadol (Palexia): risk of seizures and reports of serotonin syndrome when co-administered with other medicines

Do Not Prescribe View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF